Jane Celltower's note:
"I found the FCC search link difficult to work with, and understand, so I called FCC to clear up a few documented facts in my legal research. They were very helpful. However, it is best to have your information, questions, and FCC tower/site numbers readily available to document your cell tower search site information, and/or to confirm the information within the cell company's application process to the city, county, etc..., making sure it is correct. In case research, there have been wireless/cell phone service provider RF engineer's sworn notary signed reports, that were incorrect. With gross misrepresentation of facts and details. For example, the cell tower company representative may state there are not cell or antenna towers to collocate on, or that they are already collocated on near by cell towers, when they are not. They may also state there is a gap in cell phone coverage, when there is no gap! Bottom line, Do your homework!"
As part of its ongoing efforts to promote air safety, the Federal Communications Commission requires owners to register certain antenna structures (generally those more than 60.96 meters (200 feet) in height or located near an airport) with the Commission. In a Report and Order released November 30, 1995 (text) , the Commission adopted rules designed to streamline the registration process and began requiring antenna structure owners (instead of licensees) to register these structures with the Commission. In a Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration (Word) (also in PDF format (pdf) ) released March 8, 2000, the Commission clarified several registration requirements.
The Antenna Structure Registration rules are contained in Part 17 of the Commission's Rules (47 C.F.R. 17). Please note that the information contained in these web pages serve as a guide to the FCC's rules concerning antenna structures and is not intended to revise or replace the rules contained in Part 17.
What are Antenna Structures?
The FCC Rules specifically define the term "antenna structures" as "[T]he radiating and/or receive system, its supporting structures and any appurtenances mounted thereon." In practical terms, an antenna structure could be a free standing structure, built specifically to support or act as an antenna, or it could be a structure mounted on some other man-made object (such as a building or bridge). In the latter case, note that the structure must be registered with the FCC, not the building or bridge. Objects such as buildings, observation towers, bridges, windmills, and water towers that DO NOT have an antenna mounted on them ARE NOT antenna structures and should not be registered. Keep in mind that the FCC only has jurisdiction over antenna structures, and thus, other objects that do not house antennas are not required to be registered with the FCC -- regardless of their location or height.
What is Antenna Structure Registration?
The Antenna Structure Registration Program is the process under which each antenna structure that requires FAA notification -- including new and existing structures -- must be registered with the FCC by its owner. The owner is the single point of contact for resolving antenna-related problems and is responsible for the maintenance of those structures requiring painting and/or lighting. Note that because the Antenna Structure Registration requirements only apply to those antenna structures that may create a hazard to air navigation (either by their height or proximity to an airport), the registration files do not contain a comprehensive record of all antenna structures. You can also check with your local zoning office, placing a request for cell tower siting and collocation records within your area,which is a Freedom of Information Citizen Right. Your local zoning office usually has three days to fill requests, and charge around .25 cents or more a page to copy. Just goggle Freedom of Information Right, and/or Sunshine laws for more information.