Cractt is providing a much needed niche of free educational resource, knowledge, and information, in regards to new legislative laws that serve to protect big cell phone corporate business through the 1996 Telecommunications Act, siting cell towers on school and residential properties. Cractt is about making a difference in law and public policy, that affect the American family, child safety, their property and investments rights. Most of these legislative laws are new, so their function and scope are not very well known to the American public, although court case outcomes are setting the standards. The Cractt objective is to both inform and educate the American people concerning such laws under the 1996 Telecommunications Act, and Federal Communications Commission guidelines. As of February 2010, Cracitt is one of the few self-funded, public service resources providing both educational and technology news that affect all Americans. Cractt thinks locally and globally, addressing not only cell tower siting laws, but EMF and RF environmental health issues, and technological - educational advancement and reform. Cractt is grass roots activisim, with humanitarian goals.
Voltage: the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit, expressed in volts.
An electromagnetic wave frequency between audio and infrared. Radio frequency (RF) radiation is a subset of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 100 km ato 1mm, which is a frequency of 300 Az to 3000 GHz, respectively (Wikipedia - Wiki).
Cractt objectives are to protect and serve the American people against fraudulent business practices, and deceptive marketing campaigns. Our goals include, but are not limited to, the following initiatives:
- We seek the God given rights of individuals in the United States to live in peace, assured their safety is not compromised, by hidden cell tower's and their mandatory need/useage of public access roads.
- We seek political action and support of the Freedom of Information Act by all state, city, and county government officials. Requiring they provide the American public both educational material and resource in relation to the building of cell phone towers within or near their property.
- We seek to provide public educational resource that both serves and protects tax paying citizens, their safety,privacy, protection, and property zoning rights.
- We seek to reverse the decline of both City and County government bodies "not" providing and posting building and re-zoning objectives, in regards to issuing zoning and building permits of cell phone towers, and the rezoning of land from farm land, to commerical/industrial zoning.
- We seek to stop and cease all action by cell phone companies taking over private residential property building and zoning rights, for the purpose of lease land usage in order to build cell phone towers and unprotected access roads, without legal proof of coverage problems, needs, and useage demands.
- We seek our city, county, and local goverment commissioners and boards, keep up with technology trends that effect both citizen and community alike. Making knowledgeable, wise decisions concerning cell towers decisions, and siting rights.
- We seek cell tower access roads, that are lit, safe, and properly protected, in order to deter crime.
- We seek to make it mandatory that all government building and rezoning of residential property into commerical/industrial land lease sites, post (on land to be rezoned), publish, and inform land owners, in common lay-term language, of any and all such actions that negatively affect both individuals and their property rights.
- We seek to hold cell phone companies responsible to both inform and educate individuals, whose property will be affected by the building of cell phone towers in or near residential property areas.
- We seek cell phone company returns on lower home and property values, due to cell tower siting in residential subdivisions.
- We seek to require cell phone companies provide at least a 60 day advertised notice, prior to a "required" community meeting concerning the building of a cell phone tower, and the subsequent use of access roads, in or near residential property.
- We seek the mandatory use of common term lay-language concerning the building of new cell phone towers, to include, but not limited to height, width, area land dimensions, and other pertinent visual asthetic evaluations and information.
- We seek the mandatory providing of "balloon" public testing example, advertised for at least sixty days, posted on property, and prior to public "balloon" tests.
- We seek active, and retro active compensation from cell phone companies and government bodies alike, who used fraud and deceptive means and business practice, in the building and rezoning of commerical/industrial cell towers, within or near, private, residential property.
- We seek to have required third party evaluations, for need, use, and siting of new cell phone towers.
- We seek local government's providing designateed commerical zoning areas, and government owned property to be used by cell tower companies, siting of cell phone towers.
- We seek change in Washington in order reduce and eliminate laws that enable cell phone corporations, to do as they please, seizing and abusing the residential property rights of tax paying Americans by means of fraud and deception.
- We seek the United States government's legislative State adoption and requirement, that the American public have Internet access to educational resource pertaining to their state's property rights, and the building of commerical cell phone towers in, or near private resdiential property.
- We seek the cooperation of the President of the United States of America, The Executive Branch, The U.S. Senate, The U.S. House of Representatives, The Federal Judiciary, State Governments, Local Officials, And Government Employees, to protect the American people from cell phone companies use of fraud and deception, in order to gain signed release notification waivers.
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